
Xi'an Trip to the Loess Plateau

The end of June, one is false. I have friends and embarked on a dream journey - the Loess Plateau. Travel to the first backpack we were very excited. 19 hours of the bus, we did a little tired feeling.
After the start of the journey to Yulin. First start shopping. Here is one of the most northern city in Shaanxi. Retains an ancient street, there are many local snacks. Not feel the city, not very modern.
But then the trip before we know how important it is in northern Shaanxi. This is something the. Then we went to visit the first attraction - Town station. This is the largest on the Great Wall beacon. Standing on top of the Gobi platform panoramic view.
Very impressive. Town station is not far from Hong Danxia. Did not think there is such a far away desert paradise. Either side of the stone,'s different. There are some caves. Elm River runs through a valley. Clear green water of the mountain.

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Tours to China: Huizhou Grand Valley

August 15, Grand Canyon scenic area of Huangshan City, Huizhou project water rafting held emergency drills to test water safety emergency response mechanism.

For August 13, Yi County rafting attractions security incidents, Huangshan scenic rafting to suspend all business situations. Huizhou Grand Canyon area of "people-oriented, safety first, prevention first" principle, the special safety inspection carried out immediately, and the organization of emergency drill water rafting project. Through exercises designed to improve their emergency rescue response capability, in case of unexpected events quickly, orderly, and efficient implementation of emergency water rescue emergencies, prevention and reduction of the maximum river rafting on the way the tourists injured in accidents.

According to reports, the exercise by the exercise to clear the congestion kayaking, canoe rollover relief personnel training, communications, rescue and medical assistance vehicle scheduling training exercises and other items. Drill before the drill was held to mobilize the area, indicating the significance of water emergency drill, the drill project deployment.

According to the deputy general manager Wang Fang scenic introduced emergency drill water rafting project aims to improve area water search and rescue organization, command and emergency response capabilities, and public education employees to prevent and respond to emergencies emergency rescue and self-help capabilities.

Xiuning Tourism Committee, Yuanfang the township government to observe the emergency drill. Yuanfang township government, township police station and source source Fang Fang rural hospitals to participate in emergency drills.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Customize China Tour: Free Tour to Suichang

August 9, and economic life by the television channels and Lishui Suichang Tourism jointly organized by the "lucky audience Tour Suichang" public service activities of the first lucky viewers to Suichang travel, and this batch of a total of 32 lucky viewers 2 and accompanying reporters they were guided in Suichang play the Thousand Buddha Mountain Park area and the gold mines.

Now is the summer tourist season, the students travel to become the main groups in order to allow students the opportunity to understand the home beauty, home and foster their love of the native complex, Lishui Suichang television channels and economic life of Tourism jointly organized the event. Starting from July 20 "Oujiang reported," "Community Express" in the announcement broadcast activities to promote tourism and to take Suichang lucky viewers. The total of 64 lucky viewers, the second batch will be August 13 to Suichang tour Nanjianyan and Dragon Valley area.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


China Vacation: Vacation in Yichun

The winners in the competition last season, and through layers of experience the country after his top ten players have seen that the dream: "I ​​hope my performance every time, every smile can get everyone's approval," "my dream is to one day stand in the international T stage showed off the side of my strength, showing an extraordinary self "," I hope he can become the T stage, Jordan "," My dream is to be through their own to show the beauty of their home, I take every step closer to me and dream in the distance "... through the competition experience, through their own efforts, we are confident that they will be able to become the T stage of the most shining star.

Yichun intoxicating beauty to the spring - the judges, the host praised Yichun "Chang-e what the profile for fear of wide, sighed a few warm earth should stay. Light streaming video really are magic, offer secluded mountain moon." CCTV is a famous show host - Sa Beining Finals featuring the fourth judge , the occasional impromptu poem, to express their love of Yichun.

During the competition, almost every game of the judges were full of praise for Yichun. "Yichun, I said to myself, this is only prefecture-level city where the scale." Famous CCTV host Aciu said with emotion, "came only after Yichun, Yichun original so unfit for human habitation, the city's name and place Heaven, get the name right. "Yichun Se-rich hot spring he is given a high evaluation. "This to Yichun sure to feel the magic of selenium hot springs, have the opportunity but also a family and I came here to hot springs."For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


China Travel Service: Qingyuan Mountain Scenic Area

Building needs for the transformation area, managing Qingyuan Lake Area will be implemented in full-day closure of the construction. Think of rock and other attractions of Southern Taiwan tourists can go through Qiyun Road. Expected, transformation of the entire day Lake Area will be completed before the National Day, when the day will be the new face of the lake, visitors welcome all directions.

It is reported that the days of Lake Area renovation project includes the original Tiger Milk Tea House for complete renovation, laying cobblestones on the square, for use as a reception area, do not open; optimize the transformation of the top of the dam, part of the road laying of anti-corrosion wood, the rest covered with pebbles; decorative crest concrete columns, installing night lights; the western end of the dam transformed into outdoor cafes open space for public tea, eating packaged food; south facade will be happy Yuxuan transformation, appropriate expand the building body mass, a number of additional lake viewing platform, and behind the cow's natural green stone blend; tiger Ruquan set a small pond below, to save spring, near a viewing platform for public viewing pictures. Transformation of the Area will be set six lake viewing platform, the transformation of the lake is not road uniform set fence.

"Taking into account the safety of tourists and progress of the project during construction vehicles and personnel into restricted to construction." Qingyuan CMC responsible person, the original lake will also be upgrading public toilets, the sewage will be a unified collection of Area by Lake pipe to Qiyun street parking location, centrally, the estimated total investment of 10 million.

Lake Area transformed as Qingyuan 6 days to commence the implementation of full day Lake Area is temporarily closed, also taking into account the Tanabata and 6 coincides with the weekend, is expected to flow uphill leisure will increase. In this regard, the relevant department staff to remind visitors need to take a detour.Construction period, to rock and Qingyuan Southern Taiwan visitors can change the hole to go Qiyun Road, to avoid the day Lake Area. Climbing visitors have to pay attention to safety, do not enter the days of Lake Area.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


China Trip: Suzhou Ynaghcheng Lake Fashion Tour

"If Suzhou is a paradise on earth, then after the Yangcheng Lake is the paradise garden; if distant spread of Wu culture is poetry, then poetry in the Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs is indispensable to this chapter!" In July 26 held in Suzhou, "industrial and agricultural tourism demonstration sites" guide on the speech Contest, from the Yangcheng Lake Lotus Island scenic Zhou Lili, dressed in explaining how extremely rich in rivers and lakes costumes, the audience seemed to immersive Lotus to the picturesque island.

It is understood that a trace from the Suzhou plant, Embroidery Research Institute, Bosideng Corporation and other industrial and agricultural tourism demonstration 31 instructors participated in this competition. Suzhou Yangcheng Lake Ecological Leisure Travel Ltd instructors Zhou Lili won the first place. She Lotus Island fishing pier, seasonal cuisine in June Huang, Yi Park Ecology has done a wonderful museum and other attractions to explain, in which the memory garden paintings crab cultural centers, "Guo cable map" about the name, attracted the presence of laughter. Finally, the Lotus Square, home and ternary relationship between the suspense at the end, inviting audiences to solve puzzles and win the recognition of the presence of judges and the audience. Judges praised its combination to explain the actual situation, focused, strong cultural heritage, the first well-deserved. (For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Xian Tour: Scenic Areas

Nowadays, when you walk into Taiping Lake, Jadeite, Lotus Valley and other scenic spots everywhere blonde European and American tourists as well as Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong tourists. This reporter recently learned from the Propaganda Department of Huangshan District, the first half of this year, Huangshan District 17 focus on monitoring the area received 1.501 million tourists trips abroad, up 21%, of which 162,000 foreign tourists trips, an increase of 86%. According to statistics, 15 scenic spots of Huangshan District, promoting "quality area to create project", the implementation of the upgrading of the total investment of 2.1 billion.

Huangshan scenic area to create a strong leading forward, made ​​a "give the power of building Taiping Lake region," a major strategic decision. The total investment of 50 million upgrading projects Pacific Bay area is under construction, upgrade and expansion of Taiping Lake tourist pier, lake a tourist highway construction projects, such as Taiping Lake camp from driving construction of tourism infrastructure is being constructed, ship model museum attractions, Lingyang Mountain attractions has begun planning.

Jadeite scenic area 5a this country started to create plans to invest 20 million to build a "couple Inn," "couple Liusuo" project. Hibiscus Valley in the area, cost more than 2,000 million "for a Hibiscus" Happy Farm Complex Building, a primitive tribal culture and demonstration projects, "Snake House" project have been completed, the area also plans to invest 5 million yuan during the year, according to Japanese-style transformation of Reception area floor, offering Japanese cuisine to satisfy the rest next holiday in Japan long-term retirement needs of the elderly. At the same time, Xiangxi rafting, East Huangshan Resort, Puren Beach, Phoenix source, Qiaoshan Shenxian, Yang Zhai, Fangcun water recreation area, scenic attractions such as the Yellow Sea Xiandu in the implementation of Reconstruction.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences