
Customize China Tour: Free Tour to Suichang

August 9, and economic life by the television channels and Lishui Suichang Tourism jointly organized by the "lucky audience Tour Suichang" public service activities of the first lucky viewers to Suichang travel, and this batch of a total of 32 lucky viewers 2 and accompanying reporters they were guided in Suichang play the Thousand Buddha Mountain Park area and the gold mines.

Now is the summer tourist season, the students travel to become the main groups in order to allow students the opportunity to understand the home beauty, home and foster their love of the native complex, Lishui Suichang television channels and economic life of Tourism jointly organized the event. Starting from July 20 "Oujiang reported," "Community Express" in the announcement broadcast activities to promote tourism and to take Suichang lucky viewers. The total of 64 lucky viewers, the second batch will be August 13 to Suichang tour Nanjianyan and Dragon Valley area.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences

