
Hubei Regulates 2011 Tour Industry

July 2011 27-28, 2011, Hubei Tourism Style Construction work forum held in Shennongjia. Study and implement the National Tourism Conference Discipline Inspection and Style Construction Work Conference, summarize and exchange experience in tourism Style Construction, recognition of political popularity of air travel in 2010 reviewed the advanced units, study and plan the next phase of work. Learn Zhang Dahua Secretary to convey a written statement, the Provincial Tourism Bureau discipline inspection team leader Huang Hui attended and spoke.

Style Construction work in Hubei Province this year, the overall travel requirements: adhere to the scientific outlook on development as guidance, earnestly carry out the commission seventh session of the six plenary session, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Ninth seven plenary sessions and the province's tourism conference, closely around the construction of tourism economy, promote tourism development strategy by leaps and bounds, and resolutely rectify damage to the interests of the various trades have visitors, efforts to regulate the tourism market order, efforts to improve quality of tourism services, efforts to establish a good image of the tourism industry in Hubei, tackling the problem and correct construction simultaneously, strengthen the supervision of a comprehensive, innovative ways to ensure the effectiveness of efforts to achieve "five-second" Style Construction work during the tourism in our province a good start for building a people more satisfied with the modern service industry and work hard.

Zhang Dahua Secretary's written statement affirmed material construction as the province's political popularity of wind sound and rapid development of tourism has played an active role in the province's tourism proposed wind construction in 2011 on five specific tasks: First, to strengthen tourism industry regulation; second is to strengthen the industry to guide and enhance the quality; third is to increase tourism law enforcement; fourth is to strengthen major complaint handling; fifth is to strengthen the ranks of tour guides. Emphasize three aspects of a solid advance from the tourist Style Construction work: First, do a good job to further enhance tourism Style Construction sense of responsibility and mission; second is to further strengthen tourism Style Construction work organization and leadership; three Style Construction tourism is further strengthen the implementation of various tasks. For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences

