
Special China Tours: Tianjin Red Tour Stamp

Philatelic Company was informed yesterday from Tianjin, from July 1 to July 31, Tianjin Post will launch "party forever - commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party established a large collection of postal red exhibition activities." In the meantime, there China travel service will be a group of party-building themes and philatelic products and gift Jicang meet the people, the major postal outlets will also provide the Chinese Communist Party 90th anniversary of the postmark stamped free service. Meanwhile, the China National Philatelic Corporation for Tianjin Campaign Memorial, Zhou Deng Martyrs Memorial and winding three classic red tourism attractions produced a commemorative postmark, to the attractions during the event the public can stamp "red imprinted" postmark.

Communist Party of China to celebrate the 90th Birthday Celebration, East Road, Tianjin Post Jicang Gift Shop will be held on July 1, "glorious history" - commemorating the  China vacation 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party theme day activities, "the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party" commemorative designer Hao Xudong, stamps First Day Cover designer Nankai University Professor Xue Yi will visit the scene.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Customize China Tours: Shuidonggou Paleolithic Sites

As China's first excavation of Paleolithic sites, Shuidonggou 1988 by the State Council announced "national key cultural relics protection units," known as "the birthplace of China's prehistoric archeology," "the most significant one hundred Chinese civilization archaeological custom China tour discoveries "and" Western cultural historical testimony "and so on. Because of its rich and valuable prehistoric data, after being listed as a national "Eleventh Five-Year" major site of one of the conservation plan.

The activities of "protection, inheritance," is the theme, which lasted 3 days. 88 sites found by Shuidonggou anniversary, the museum opening ceremony Shuidonggou site, the site Shuidonggou international academic symposium, "Quest Shuidonggou, touch the ancient civilization," a series of activities, so that more people know about water dong ditch cultural, fully demonstrate the profound historical and cultural heritage Yinchuan, establish a new brand Shuidonggou tourism, cultural tourism to promote the development of Ningxia.

Commemorate the 88 anniversary of the SDG and the first site found Shuidonggou Culture and Tourism Festival opening day, Shuidonggou site officially opened the museum, the museum features the sunken exhibition, is the only area of ​​the largest indoor audience involvement type dynamic China custom tours scenes, combined with the large semi King painting can debug platform and earthquake experience sound, light, electricity, three-dimensional stage sets, animation and other high-tech large-scale exhibitions, which allows the visitors to personal experience Shanbengdelie, floods and other natural disasters, the scene will tens of thousands of years ago, the deduction of historical changes, so that every person dreams of Shuidonggou been three years. Afternoon, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Yuan BY researcher, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, deputy director of the high magnitude of more than 80 foreign experts and scholars in the International Conference held Shuidonggou, and for a special report. For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


First Day of China Taiwan Free Tour

According to Taiwan's "United Daily News" reported that the free exercise of 28 mainland tourists start the first day of mainland tourists to Taiwan about 270 people, first from Xiamen via the "mini three links" route will fly to Taipei Songshan Airport mainland visitors, the latest group China discovery tours in the afternoon arrived from Xiamen, Taichung. To meet the first free exercise of mainland tourists, the Taiwan authorities signed an immigration officer will issue each child Ma Ying-jeou and Siew 1600.
Taiwan, "NIA" means, only 5 pm yesterday, a total of 291 mainland tourists to Taiwan sent the pieces of the free exercise of the application has been approved and issued entry permit 282. Today, three pilot cities were from mainland China in Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen, 273 immigrants, and the remaining 18 until July 1 entry. In the opening of the three cities, Beijing residents are allowed to apply for 111, followed by 108 Xiamen, Shanghai 72. "NIA" analysis, the individual visitors to Taiwan, the people who apply for certificates of travel agency China deposit at most, 141 persons, followed by years of wage income that the applicant holds 107 people, holding seven school that the applicant (student backpackers) to apply for a Gold Card to prove who is accompanied by relatives of the other 35 applications; sex female than male, ages 31 to 40 years old with the majority. Reported that pre-entry flight up to the Taoyuan airport to airport, 186 top, followed by Songshan Airport 69, 18, Taichung Airport, airport or other port 18. For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


China Taiwan Free Tour Opens Today

Individual travel to Taiwan, Xiamen, hundreds of people are starting to provide the financial resources to prove that real estate license or $ 50,000 deposit or 12 million annual salary. As individual mainland residents to visit one of the first batch of pilot cities, Xiamen's first mission will China travel service travel to Taiwan personal leave 28. Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen, a total of three the number of the first group of 500 people, the reporter learned from the Municipal Tourism Bureau, Xiamen lineup first group of about 100 people.

At present, Xiamen travel agents to obtain a total of four business qualification, namely, Chunhui CITS Xiamen, Xiamen Tourism Group Travel, Xiamen C & D Travel, Xiamen Airlines, Travel, residents can take care of them through the Taiwan issue. Reporters learned that people have submitted applications to travel agencies in Xiamen to submit a financial statement that real estate license or $ 200,000 Taiwan dollars (about 50,000) or more certificates of deposit or 55 million New Taiwan dollars (about 120,000 yuan) over the annual salary China vacation that meet one on the line with the Regulations. Chen, general manager of C & D International Travel Service, told reporters cream, the first group to Taiwan include personal travel and business travelers visiting tourists. Most tourists are booking flights and hotels through a travel agent, then decide for themselves how to play in Taiwan. "There were some customers asked us to only provide accreditation services, is by our agency air + documents + mini three links services, guests generally like to visit the main remaining issues, they are planning to take care of themselves after such board in Taiwan.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


China Wudangshan Airport is to be Built

Recently, the Hubei Provincial Committee, Governor Wang Guosheng led to China's Civil Aviation Authority, airport on Wudang Mountain and the Chinese Civil Aviation Authority on matters relating to consultation with the Secretary Eric. Eric stressed in the talks, Shiyan special location, China travel service the overall situation in the country charged with the construction of important functions, Wudang Mountain Airport is the airport should be built. Section round a vice governor, mayor of Tang Liangzhi Wuhan, the provincial government Secretary-General Fude Hui, Xu Kezhen Provincial Development and Reform Commission, will be party secretary Chen Tian, China's Civil Aviation Authority of the Secretary, attended the talks.

Chen Tian, secretary will report to the Wudang airport construction preparations. Wudang Mountain in Airport positioning regional airports to domestic tourism-based, taking into account the general aviation services, design models for the B737, A320 series, and various types of existing domestic regional aircraft. In 2010, Wudang Mountain Airport "three guarantees" objective completed, that is, provincial and municipal governments, respectively, and the Guangzhou Military Region Air Force, Air Force command post Wuhan, signed a "New Wudang Airport Agreement"; National Development and Reform Commission and the China Civil Aviation Wudang Mountain in Airport China vacation projects have been incorporated into the "five-second" construction plan; Wudang airport weather station temporarily put into use. "Three for" the completion of the tasks achieved initial results, that is for the State Council and Central Military Commission, the basic project of the basic work done until the "second five" plan passed, the National Development and Reform Commission will be formally submitted for approval with the relevant departments ; strive to carry out "pre-feasibility study report Wudang Mountain Airport" substantial progress assessment; for the preparation of "feasibility study" of the mission started. Currently, the airport Wudang program formalized the use of airspace, temporary weather stations acceptance of the pre-feasibility report by the assessment, and the airport project is expected to Wudang Mountain during construction.  For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences 


Special Tour to Azalea Festival

It is reported that this Azalea Festival "ecological Jinggangmycin, miles cuckoo" is the theme through Jinggangmycin Green Pearl - Beacon Hill and other tourist products corridor miles cuckoo represented highlight ecological features and human Jinggangshan charm. Mainly include the "2011 Second China. Jinggangshan the opening ceremony of the International Azalea Festival", "Jiangxi" Jinggangshan Cup "Flower Bonsai Exhibition", China travel service "Jinggangshan ceramic art exhibition-cum-new agricultural and industrial products", "'the eyes of foreigners China '- envoys Jinggangshan theme activities "," cuckoo into miles - one hundred Evening News reporter Jinggangmycin line manager "," hundreds of travel providers to see Jinggangmycin, "" one hundred Jinggangshan depth of step on the line traveling salesman "," National network media Jinggangshan folk songs, "" one thousand flowers self-driving tour "," azalea mystery prize quiz, "" azaleas for the media, Jinggangshan testimony "- people blind date, and other activities.

Azaleas are Jinggangshan the flower, has identified 32 species, many species are unique to Jinggangshan. The main varieties are the white blossoms of Jiangxi cuckoo, red flowers of azalea, pink antlers open azalea, Rhododendron, pink to white flowers open the Hericium azalea, pink purple flowers open orang rhododendrons, and rare and unique Jinggangshan species - open purple red flowers, with aromas  China vacation of Jinggangshan azaleas. Jinggangshan rhododendron flowering from mid-April to mid-June, a longer duration of flowering. Azalea has become a tourist spectacle Jinggangshan spring, azaleas in the spring to see on the Jinggangshan is touted by the tourists a tourism project, every year attracts many foreign tourists to flowers. For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Vacation in Fujian of China

This year's haijiaohui, Taiwan gathered. Participants to come to Taiwan (business) associations and organizations guests nearly 50 groups, up to 468 Taiwanese companies, booth 1124, a substantial amount more than last year. This second edition covers haijiaohui Fair, 2011 Cross-Strait Brand Culture Forum, China travel service 2011 Cross-Strait Forum series of advertising activities, which greatly stimulated the growth of the number of Taiwanese businessmen in Fujian. Fuzhou May increase the number of Taiwanese reception of up to 30.2%. Year, held in Xiamen across the Taiwan Strait (Jimei) Dragon Boat Festival Cultural Forum, folk cultural performances across the Taiwan Strait, China Jimei national photography contest and other "heavyweight" cultural activities, but also ushered in a large number of Taiwan compatriots to come to participants, sightseeing. Xiamen month the number of 45 300.

Min Hong Kong and Macau flights with a gradual increase between the two is more convenient. Haijiaohui this month, business fair, the Hercynian Wuyi and other festive events held in the Fair attracted a large number of businessmen from Hong Kong and Macao and other places, experts and correspondents and other participants to come; the end of the first held in Fuzhou Strait Sunchon points last month to expand. Hong Kong and Macao compatriots received from January to May total 448,200 passengers, an increase of 4.9%. In the strong  China vacation growth in arrivals, the tourism foreign exchange earnings this month also showed rapid growth, reaching $ 274 million, an increase of 18.1%, an increase of 10.2 percent expansion the previous month; 1-5 months, the province's tourism foreign exchange earnings 13.52 billion, an increase of 14.5%. For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences.


Special China West Tour

June 18, by the National Tourism Bureau, the Chongqing Municipal Government, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang and other western provinces (autonomous regions) People's Government and co-the "colorful western" as China travel service the theme of the second session of the tourism industry in Western China Expo in Chongqing international Convention and Exhibition Center. Huang Yanrong, vice governor of Sichuan Provincial People's Government, the Provincial Tourism Bureau Hao Kang Li attended the opening ceremony.

Sichuan Tourism Bureau Hao Kangli tour and visit the cities and prefectures of Sichuan Pavilion exhibition staff
It is reported that 21 cities in our province exposition State Tourism Bureau organized 24 tourism enterprises exhibition, Sichuan exhibition area of ​​250 meters, take the form of special equipment. To "play Sichuan and Chongqing - a beautiful new Sichuan" as the theme, demonstrating the new face of tourism in our province and the "Sichuan fun" tourism product.

Sichuan Pavilion of "seasons" theme seasonal beauty
Sichuan pavilion main display are: "to witness the beautiful Sichuan," the new face of tourism in our province and showcase new tourism products, and your message, China vacation to the people of Chongqing "beautiful new Sichuan"; Show Sichuan "Spring, summer, autumn and winter" seasons beauty the "snow-capped mountains, grasslands, glaciers, starting now," "drunk DMC forest, waiting for you to Lie Yan", "wandering around in the warm winter sun," "until the time when flowers are romantic, meet again next year," Four Seasons beautiful Chongqing, Sichuan, invites the public to travel. For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Special Tour to Jinmen

Price and promotion of tourism products line to become an obstacle to the yacht, all in Wuyuan Bay yacht business, in fact, already tried the solution several times the "knot." Because the policy area of some restrictions, so this sounds desirable romantic way to travel have not been able to China travel service successfully promote.
         However, in the "free exercise of Taiwan" has just released the past few days, as the Fourth China (Xiamen) International Boat Show Organizers yacht, one of Xiamen Road & Bridge Development Co., Ltd. has been thought of leveraging the way: this year's yacht exhibition, the organizing committee invited the more than 200 entrepreneurs 500 million of assets to buy yachts to participate in Xiamen. "We intend to invite part of entrepreneurs to participate in test ride experience." Relevant responsible person said that this time will exceed Wuyuan Bay, directly extended to Taiwan's Kinmen Island, "field trips to Kinmen, a taste of the Golden Gate across the water scenery. "
         This time entrepreneurs, "Golden Gate China vacation Tour" is considered the yacht tourism routes to achieve a breakthrough opportunity. "We are still being applied, and the special matter necessary to perform the procedures." Part of the work of the committee in charge of the staff said, but if this time can make the trip, which means that yacht to go offshore to Taiwan tourism will be able to achieve "ice."
         "As long as the yacht out to sea tourism route development to Taiwan will certainly greatly enhance the appeal." Zhang Qingyu said For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


China Kungfu Mountain: Special Tour in Qingcheng Mountain

Nowadays, "Kung Fu Panda 2" hot, see "Kung Fu Panda", the one will be surprised at the depth of penetration of the Chinese culture, such as ink painting like Lijiang River scenery, unique Chinese style of epic-style strings, the rich Zen interpretation of Chinese martial arts, Chinese martial arts drama most exciting scenes, the world has deepened the understanding of Chinese martial arts Chinese martial arts also have infinite yearning for. Here take you to explore with the small series Kung Fu of China's four famous resort .China travel service.. "South Wudang, North Shaolin, Emei Buddhist macro, explore the on Qingcheng." Qingchengshan as Chinese Taoism, the world's cultural heritage, is one of the ancient Chinese martial arts, Shaolin martial arts Qingcheng birthplace. Qingchengshan as the first stop, it is also "Kung Fu Panda 2" source of inspiration for Oh! Surprised it! Do you feel the play "and Pinggu" resembles Qingchengshan old buildings! And the play's protagonist effort - the profound Chinese Tai Chi, but also because "Kung Fu Panda 2" in the Artistic Director Raymond Zibach Qingcheng Qingchengshan fortunate to see the head of the martial arts led his disciples and Liu Suibin performing Tai Chi Tai Chi enthusiasts together, that's neat elegant boxing, deeply moved by Raymond Zibach.
     Qingcheng, the whole mountain forest green, evergreen, Peaks ring confrontation, Zhuangruo enclosing walls, so named. Dan ladder 1000, winding streets, quiet clean to win, China vacation since ancient times "Qingcheng world quiet" in the world. And Jianmen of insurance, Emei of the show, the male Kuimen par. Qingchengshan backed by thousands of miles Minjiang River, overlooking the Chengdu (microblogging) plain, the "36 peaks," "Eight Hole" "72 hole" "One hundred and Eight," said. Of course, visitors can experience the side of the world Qingcheng Qingcheng quiet you can feel the charm of martial arts! For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Customize Beijing Tour during Dragon Boat Festival

Beijing Municipal Tourism Commission released statistics show that 6, three days a small holiday during the Dragon Boat Festival, Beijing received 3.11 million domestic tourists trips, an increase of 11.6%; total tourism income of 1.04 billion yuan, an increase of 14.9%. Tourist arrivals and tourism
custom China tour revenues hit a record high over the same period.
    6 is the Dragon Boat Festival "is the day", Beijing Dragon Park Dragon Boat Festival a grand sacrificial ceremony to pay homage to the ancient rites and ceremonies of Qu Yuan. Reproduce the Han Dynasty Dragon Boat Festival performing ritual ceremony, ritual staff dressed in Chinese clothes, line net altar ceremony, sacrifice, the line Heaven ceremony, ring the bell, drums ... in ritual ceremony, also held for the children point cinnabar mole , Department of colored silk, hanging sachet, dragon boat races and other traditional activities to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.
    Dragon Boat Festival, Beijing's major parks introduced a folk performances, cultural performances, display of non-material cultural heritage, health consultation,China custom tours exhibitions seminars, reading classics, and other characteristics of more than 100 cultural events, attracting many local and overseas guests the unique experience of traditional festivals charm.
    6 Beijing Tourism Commission released figures show that three days holiday, the city's 24 key monitoring area received a total of 1.33 million passengers, 9.8 percent more than last year. Among them, the Temple of Heaven park received 264,000 visitors and foreign tourists, up nearly 20%; Palace received total 13.8 million, an increase of 5.1%; Badaling Great Wall received total 8.3 million, an increase of 5%.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Discovering Old Dali Kingdom: A Special Tour in Yunnan

Pou Island House located in the ancient town of Dali, hi, hi Island called as the "big city determined"in the Dali Kingdom Nanzhao, because of its pleasant climate and a rich and royal family's summer retreat, but also the "Tea Horse Road"on the city . Bai here have a typical folk architecture and rich culture, and culture representative Bai and miniature.
Bai people live in conditions of very focused, as early as the Tang dynasty there, "Cheng Kuo Cunyi"in residential areas. Bai in circulating such a word - "Great tile, hollow cavity ", China travel service meaning that even food and clothing have to live very comfortable, so their buildings and the view from the living environment of renewal, which will have a "Three bedrooms and one screen wall "," Tetraena five yards, "" cursory string turret, "the typical architectural style of the Bai.

Spider-shaped structure in the town, the most distinctive to the number of House of the PCC. Here the house covers an area of ​​3,600 square meters, was built in the early 1940s, named for its original owner Yanbao Cheng as a "Mirror House. " Yanbao Cheng Yan Zizhen father is "Cheung Wing Cheong, " the firm's founder, is China vacation the richest man Xizhou. PCC completed the first North Court House, North House Bai houses typical "three-room of a screen wall", after the construction of the South Centre (South School for the Western House), ultimately forming a feed of Hospitals. Connected through the turret of all the yard into one, easily accessible, this is what we say "cursory string turret."For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


China Special Tour to Experience your Childhood

In recent years, "Moe," The rise and popular fashion, urban young people nowadays has become a new popular group of symbols. With the arrival of Children's Day, "Moe" the momentum China travel service of growth was more violent, and even has spread to people's beer and skittles. China's first movie theme park in the city long shadow century, "Moe" means full, for the arrival of Children of color put on a fairy tale.

Changchun Movie Wonderland cartoon strip is not just the children's fun park, has become a lot of great people to return to childhood innocence, and find a good childhood memories as the main front. Here, the cute cartoon characters from comic books to come out like, "Moe" down beings. This time, you will not help and they come to a close contact, or holding hands dance, or leave a photo concept, and even a happy and their China vacation adventure together. Of course, there is a paradise for little children. Cute cartoon image of the composition of the corridor is full of dreams and childhood Taste, filled with wonderful fairy tale world, not only to the children's childhood left a deep memory, also stimulated the children's vast imagination and creativity. This is also the number of parents choose to take the children to the Changchun Movie Wonderland play an important reason.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Discovering Mosuo People--A Special Tour in Lugu Lake

China has a lot of slang to describe people who do not learn, such as "the pain is forgotten, ""remember to eat does not mind playing, " said about me. This does not, just a few days ago I vowed never to follow in the marble group, suddenly could not help today, but also four individual to join a China travel service group, the fun went to where it attractive - Lugu Lake. Lugu Lake called "daughter", is located at the junction of Yunnan and Sichuan, Yunnan and Sichuan in Lijiang County, John Lang Yanyuan County total. Today we go to the place belongs to Yunnan this half, a small village called drowning.

Lijiang hot early, before the Lugu Lake had been revered and prominent, world renowned. Its selling point is unique, Mosuo people living along the lake is said to (a branch of the Naxi) is China's only existing matriarchal community, known as "matriarchal society living fossil ", along with its "do not China vacation marry men and women do not Married "and" walking marriage "custom, the temptation to index much more it adds points. So there is a visitors Bobo, suppressed the ambiguous desire to visit with great interest, visits, verification, adventures, ambitious, and even hidden the Lieyan ambitions. Fell into the water from the Lijiang city to the village, about two or three hundred kilometers, winding mountain road is difficult. Automotive vigorous turbulence, repeated coverage of the tour guide tired voice.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Special China Vacation

Is a small three-day holiday, the Dragon Boat Festival, where then? Three family finally decided to go to Shaoguan Qujiang, just that they have students there in that mountain Wowo better to do something to a bunch of kids to experience the mountains, and wash the lungs.On the Beijing-Zhuhai, next Shaxi, through a small town with almost Wengyuan will turn winding road. No dust filled the imagination, but the formation of the cement road, according to the Indian under the sun, like a white ribbon in the green corridor in the shop. china travel service Bamboo hill and dale, like the dark green of the mountain to put the yellow with green green and yellow fluffy skirts, seductive touch was soft and thick hair, really want the front, like a child who can not help but touch cute puppy Like the soft hair. To students trying to fix a concrete road home, we had to throw the car in the street, walk into it. Second ten minutes gone, the terrace of a high and low, white walls and black tiles several buildings house one or two students home is surrounded by lush bamboo still draped over the mountain, feeling the air are the bamboo Fragrance.

The house should have several decades old, standing face to face, one side is the kitchen, living room plus dining room, on the other side is the bedroom. No handrails wooden stairs to china vacation the second floor, has been covered with dust and cobwebs, probably because many young people have been into the city, and then the attic is no longer needed. First through the living room seating a wood fire in the kitchen, we were surprised too exaggerated in large frying pan (see below), is not left behind by the same big pot to eat it? Or is this the pot used to cook food for pigs have? Firewood for decades have not eaten fried dishes, delicious! In particular, specifically for our grind tofu, wow, Huanen Huanen, a mouthful of Bean, which places only have to eat in Guangzhou? Obviously hold no less than, but also eat a few, a few board tofu is even several people to kill us., For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Spending Holiday in China

Fei Pavilion is located upstream of spunk-water rock pier, where thousands stand like a wall edge, facing the abyss. Engraved on the cliff, "jade wall volley","half Xianji","fairy habitat can be, "
china travel service "Crane owned pictures"and carved stone, are Jiajing Grand Secretary (prime minister) mine. Wide cliff to the day, can accommodate about as much as hundreds of people. Ancient temples built here, and in the cliffs in the plank road leading to the temple built.

Two o'clock sharp, just listen to the sound of firecrackers burst of crackling and a clear crisp Suona Sheng rose coffin after the show began. Then slide down from the top of the cliff along the rope to a man wearing yellow clothes, and he continued to do the movements in the air, sometimes upside down, sometimes somersaults. Performing a variety of actions in the air, when dropped into the hole, china vacation flying more into the cave on the cliff. Then from the top to slide down a man, he has slipped on board the coffin. Then sailed the mountains to the increase in winch lifting the coffin had been hanging cliffs of the cave mouth to rise, then the man in the cave and slowly pull the coffin into the cave. L coffin buried, this is complete. After the coffin buried, rose, and from the cliff-tomb in the coffin out, a step jump on the coffin of performers to continue to make a variety of thrilling action. Then, another performer led to withdraw from the cliff-tomb, the two down, the coffin returned to the boat show is over, the show continued to fifteen minutes or so. People looked amazed.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Nice China Tour Service

I write to you, some people may say I had to help them advertise. But I only go to this place in Guangzhou, eat these, and perhaps other places are good to eat, or more delicious. Anyway, you can try, eat them morning tea one day, keeping you cool. Of course, this does not go where I go. Friends of the business community, tr (~ J6G1s [1] G Eat well, and we are going to stroll Liuhua Park. Ally be hailed, was I blocked -china travel service it is eaten too much, to take a walk. Across the bridge, actually came to the heron on the lake, towering trees, green water rippling, with warm sunshine, really make people think that spring. We walked in a circle along the lake, walking and taking pictures, all the way to the Guangdong Museum of Art, before a taxi to Liuhua Park. Park is good, do not tickets, but too many people. We stroll casually stroll to flash.

8j} nL? Z? 0 night we went to china vacation Hunan province, a military museum next to a point to eat lightly. Since noon, eat good, that there really was doing anything delicious. Casual get the points back to the hotel. Ally going to work tomorrow, and go to work late, and I walked too much road the afternoon, I am kind of tired to go to bed early., For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


My Own China Tour

Intends to buy a ticket within the field of Hanako, of course, is at the lowest price for this premise. To catch the child and a cattle shoot, then come around more than just cattle moment, all big boast that their votes if the item is really cheap, he said he experienced how the twists and turns long-term scalping, and greeting each other of each of today's discussion Market. . custom China tour. These guys falsehoods, one of which boast their own station in Nanjing, Li scalping experience to be, exposed words I was immediately a number of inaccuracies in, but do not want to admit, I said, I went to Nanjing, the scene how to, and then This guy spent to stay, had to admit that he did not go to Nanjing tickets.

Then I went next to look at other busy to go, that was strange so noisy. custom china tour Then, finally, shoot children and Hanako finally bought the 520 votes in a 1280 internal market, I brought a ticket to see, is actually the tickets, that is, if Hanako do not buy cattle, nor in the ticket Within the box office. At that moment I am the original owner of tickets to regret this, I think this fool! China custom tours  However, this of the honey, he of the arsenic, or that miss both missed, I do not need him / her to worry about.For more information, please click to http://onlinechinatours28.blogspot.com/


My Special China Tour

The second to Guangzhou, is passing through. I was working in Shenzhen, travel to Nanjing, return through Guangzhou. Nanjing is also not buy a ticket China service back to Shenzhen. Arrived in Guangzhou in the morning four or five o'clock, the day does not seem bright. Get out, is a mess. I saw a young man twisted by several other people on the ground, I do not know why? Get off the journey with friends to remind me to get to know, do not control him.

Later, I went to work in Guangzhou, the train station has become a must pass through. Colleagues reminded me that nothing is better not to the station. I also witnessed the chaos of the China vacation Railway Station. Once I do my China vacation during the day bus, passing the railway station, through the window, I saw on the sidewalk, the two beauties in chatting while walking beside a young man, dig the girl's pocket in the open. Girls talk too much input did not even react!

Another time, is one of my former colleagues in Hubei Province to Guangzhou to tell me, I hear horror, fear. Originally, the lawyer colleagues, with a female client at the train station and others, like the afternoon. Women like small places with earrings, not a fault of this, with earrings in Guangzhou, it must be careful, especially in the railway station. Soon, a young man to the ears of a handful of women, a China travel service woman exclaimed. My lawyer friend who had been a soldier before, said to have killed a few devils in Vietnam. Heard the cry, and went to pursue the male youth. Of course, no catch up. Because there are cohorts of young men from block. And so turned around, heard a woman screaming. I saw another young man to a woman caught a bit the other ear. Women had to squat on the ground with both hands over his ears, shaking with fright. If you want to get more information and news about it, please click: http://onlinechinatours28.blogspot.com/

Guangzhou Vacation Tour

My hotel is in the alley. Night in an alley filled with Shaokao Tan Son, are more foreign people. Grilled squid, beef balls, gluten, ham, chicken legs and wings and so on. Tibet travel I like to eat grilled squid, despite being fed shopping, you
can see, still can not help but eat.

There is a game shop, its main entrance facing the alley, back door in a hotel. Is also a store. It took the banner of Article scary, "eat 5 100 species of birds. " I saw it in the alley's entrance, Guangzhou Travel agency see it put a lot of the cage door, off possessor of white peacocks, egrets and pheasant and more. There are many I do not know, but I know there must be something more than the country promised the protection of night animals.

I do not know that we have specifically for the poultry we eat, and also go to those bony Lingding, the taste is not delicious bird doing? Ancient humans had selected the most Tibet tours tips suitable for birds to eat, but now people
actually do not believe that the choice of the ancients, eat anything, not as a return to even the ancients had. Click here to get more information: http://onlinechinatours28.blogspot.com/