
Special China Vacation

Is a small three-day holiday, the Dragon Boat Festival, where then? Three family finally decided to go to Shaoguan Qujiang, just that they have students there in that mountain Wowo better to do something to a bunch of kids to experience the mountains, and wash the lungs.On the Beijing-Zhuhai, next Shaxi, through a small town with almost Wengyuan will turn winding road. No dust filled the imagination, but the formation of the cement road, according to the Indian under the sun, like a white ribbon in the green corridor in the shop. china travel service Bamboo hill and dale, like the dark green of the mountain to put the yellow with green green and yellow fluffy skirts, seductive touch was soft and thick hair, really want the front, like a child who can not help but touch cute puppy Like the soft hair. To students trying to fix a concrete road home, we had to throw the car in the street, walk into it. Second ten minutes gone, the terrace of a high and low, white walls and black tiles several buildings house one or two students home is surrounded by lush bamboo still draped over the mountain, feeling the air are the bamboo Fragrance.

The house should have several decades old, standing face to face, one side is the kitchen, living room plus dining room, on the other side is the bedroom. No handrails wooden stairs to china vacation the second floor, has been covered with dust and cobwebs, probably because many young people have been into the city, and then the attic is no longer needed. First through the living room seating a wood fire in the kitchen, we were surprised too exaggerated in large frying pan (see below), is not left behind by the same big pot to eat it? Or is this the pot used to cook food for pigs have? Firewood for decades have not eaten fried dishes, delicious! In particular, specifically for our grind tofu, wow, Huanen Huanen, a mouthful of Bean, which places only have to eat in Guangzhou? Obviously hold no less than, but also eat a few, a few board tofu is even several people to kill us., For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences

