
Special Tour to Jinmen

Price and promotion of tourism products line to become an obstacle to the yacht, all in Wuyuan Bay yacht business, in fact, already tried the solution several times the "knot." Because the policy area of some restrictions, so this sounds desirable romantic way to travel have not been able to China travel service successfully promote.
         However, in the "free exercise of Taiwan" has just released the past few days, as the Fourth China (Xiamen) International Boat Show Organizers yacht, one of Xiamen Road & Bridge Development Co., Ltd. has been thought of leveraging the way: this year's yacht exhibition, the organizing committee invited the more than 200 entrepreneurs 500 million of assets to buy yachts to participate in Xiamen. "We intend to invite part of entrepreneurs to participate in test ride experience." Relevant responsible person said that this time will exceed Wuyuan Bay, directly extended to Taiwan's Kinmen Island, "field trips to Kinmen, a taste of the Golden Gate across the water scenery. "
         This time entrepreneurs, "Golden Gate China vacation Tour" is considered the yacht tourism routes to achieve a breakthrough opportunity. "We are still being applied, and the special matter necessary to perform the procedures." Part of the work of the committee in charge of the staff said, but if this time can make the trip, which means that yacht to go offshore to Taiwan tourism will be able to achieve "ice."
         "As long as the yacht out to sea tourism route development to Taiwan will certainly greatly enhance the appeal." Zhang Qingyu said For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences

