
Discovering Old Dali Kingdom: A Special Tour in Yunnan

Pou Island House located in the ancient town of Dali, hi, hi Island called as the "big city determined"in the Dali Kingdom Nanzhao, because of its pleasant climate and a rich and royal family's summer retreat, but also the "Tea Horse Road"on the city . Bai here have a typical folk architecture and rich culture, and culture representative Bai and miniature.
Bai people live in conditions of very focused, as early as the Tang dynasty there, "Cheng Kuo Cunyi"in residential areas. Bai in circulating such a word - "Great tile, hollow cavity ", China travel service meaning that even food and clothing have to live very comfortable, so their buildings and the view from the living environment of renewal, which will have a "Three bedrooms and one screen wall "," Tetraena five yards, "" cursory string turret, "the typical architectural style of the Bai.

Spider-shaped structure in the town, the most distinctive to the number of House of the PCC. Here the house covers an area of ​​3,600 square meters, was built in the early 1940s, named for its original owner Yanbao Cheng as a "Mirror House. " Yanbao Cheng Yan Zizhen father is "Cheung Wing Cheong, " the firm's founder, is China vacation the richest man Xizhou. PCC completed the first North Court House, North House Bai houses typical "three-room of a screen wall", after the construction of the South Centre (South School for the Western House), ultimately forming a feed of Hospitals. Connected through the turret of all the yard into one, easily accessible, this is what we say "cursory string turret."For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences

