
Huangshan Promotes International Tours

September 5, held in the city of Huangshan City to promote the standardization of tourism services, the General Assembly, the Assembly noted that promote the standardization of tourism services to accelerate the internationalization of Huangshan Tourism is important, throughout the city departments to raise awareness, according to the municipal government's deployment, clear mandate to strengthen the measures to implement, and ensure quality and quantity objectives and tasks to complete each stage, to serve the international standard for Huangshan.

Last November, the city identified by the National Standardization Committee for the standardization of services, the only pilot city, the municipal government to speed up the city quickly developed a standardization of tourism services, policies, programs and advice, combined with the city to carry out the actual preparation of a series issued travel services standardization work guiding document. City departments completed a citywide survey of quality of tourism services, initially established to meet the needs of the current work of the municipal tourism service standards library. Localities and departments concerned to strive for more than 4A grade scenic spot, star hotel, green hotels, Hotel Le demonstration farm households, as the starting point of work, and actively promote the standardization of the city's tourism services, effectively promoted the city's overall quality of tourism services steadily increased.

The meeting called to accelerate the development and implementation of a number of service standards, strengthen the construction of demonstration areas and demonstration units to accelerate the building to promote the standardization mechanism. Departments should concentrate on guiding demonstration areas (spots) and pilot units to develop a practical program of work as soon as possible, cover the area to establish content management, visitor reception, the whole process of standardization of tourism services management system, procedures and work manuals, travel services and strive to quality of new breakthroughs, new promotion, to ensure the quality and quantity according to the various stages of completion of objectives and tasks.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Anhui Sums Up 2010 Tourism

Recently, Anhui Games Authority released its 2010 annual provincial road passenger travel companies reputation for quality assessment, the city has seven passenger travel companies are all qualified, the province has two passenger travel companies did not pass.

The Anhui province has 53 enterprises to participate in assessment of road passenger travel, eight received AAA (excellent), 37 received AA grade (qualified), 6 with A grade, B grade (failure) of quality credit enterprise 2 . The two failed companies is the Wuhu yarshan Tourism Transportation Co., Ltd. and Anhui Hengtai dragon emblem Tourism Transport Company Limited (Huainan).

Assessment found that the main problem is not a small number of passenger travel business trip times required for each charter business line reporting, there is scheduled to run track record does not match the vehicle's actual behavior, individual passenger transport enterprises in the tourism facilities and equipment, business practices, service quality, safety management, social responsibility and other aspects of the original ledger records and supporting materials have different degrees of lack, and a few vehicles in the scrap business is doing, updated after membership transfer vehicle, causing the number of vehicles in the camp less than 20 requirements, no longer have engaged in inter-provincial road passenger travel conditions.

The quality of road passenger travel business reputation evaluation results will serve as a road vehicle travel business license to operate passenger service quality an important reference for the bidding. The credibility of the results of quality assessment for two consecutive years for the A and B road passenger travel business will give three months for rectification, the rectification operation after the expiry of the Anhui Provincial Authority for acceptance, acceptance is still unsatisfactory and there are significant security risks provincial transportation Authority to revoke the corresponding road transport operators permit.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


China Huangshan Autumn Tour

July 25, learned from Huangshan, China Huangshan International Tourism fifteenth session of the Hui Culture Festival and the Festival will be "October" in the city before and after the opening of "wisdom Huangshan quality tourism" as the main elements of this event and highlights.

From the "wisdom of Huangshan" quality tourist information office project team learned that the city's transit network as a horse "wisdom Huangshan quality tourism," the carrier, the new website has been initially set up the construction has been completed, the system function is in test operation and commissioning will In the "Huangshan Festival" in formally launched, comprehensive services for tourists.

According to the project construction and operation of side side e-commerce general manager Zhu Yongjie way horses introduced formally launched, visitors click of a mouse, in-transit network will be able to achieve great horse Huangshan region "food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment." The E-stop travel information, 24 hour online trading services and online booking "to purchase tickets after the success of mobile phones will receive a two-dimensional code verification code SMS MMS, electronic tickets."

Visitors enjoy the "wisdom of tourism." "Wisdom Huangshan" quality tourist information office Huang Huimin said the project team, relying on the e-commerce platform, enabling large Huangshan attractions tickets, housing and tourist routes such as online booking, online trading and online billing and other functions, and also has a 360-degree virtual panoramic roaming, visitors can enjoy the personalized service of the platform.

It is understood that "wisdom Huangshan" quality tourist information system project, designed to accelerate the tourism industry to upgrade and build the information into a strategic support to the characteristics of modern tourism industry system, and promote comprehensive development of large Huangshan tourism promotion, tourism beyond the traditional development model, to high-end, high-quality, efficient direction, the strength of the tourism industry strong and excellent, so that regional tourism development more fully, to create the most competitive tourist destination.

It is reported that, "Huangshan Festival" since 1991 has been successfully held 14 sessions. The current "Huangshan Festival" by the China National Tourism Administration, People's Government of Anhui Province, the Provincial Tourism Bureau and Huangshan Municipal People's Government. Will be held in the first Xin'anjiang Dragon Boat Race, the way horses Network "wisdom Huangshan quality tourism" on-line ceremony, "The sky was clear Huangshan Autumn" --- one thousand bus tour Huangshan other large series of activities.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


China Keeps Safe Tours

This year, tourism from all over the place several major disasters and security, had a tremendous impact, causing people to travel further attention to safety. To this end, the city tourism bureau recently asked the city more than 100 travel agencies, tour destination before you choose a reputable ground operators, tourist insurance, and strengthen the awareness and mobilize to persuade tourists to buy accident insurance.

It is understood that so far this year, the country has undergone several major disasters from travel safety. Among them, April 27, occurred in Taiwan Alishan train tip over, killing five mainland tourists killed, 200 injured; May 1, Jilin Tonghua Home Inn fire, 10 people were killed, 41 wounded; June 11, Zhejiang Deqing County, 29 tourists in Henan Zhoukou traffic accident, nine people were killed and 20 wounded; July 11, Fujian "day road trip" tours in Tibet, suffered a major accident , three people were killed and 12 injured; July 14, Fujian Wuyi Mountain scenic mansion bridge collapsed, Taihe County, Anhui Province 21 of the group were injured, a local bus driver was killed.

"At a time when the peak summer travel, especially in flood season, multiple severe convective weather, travel safety to the test." Tangde Peng, deputy director of Hefei Tourism Bureau, said travel agencies to pay attention to weather changes, to improve capacity to respond to severe weather. "The current team to buy accident insurance to Jiucheng, but FIT buy less, an average of about Liu Qicheng." Provincial capital number of travel agent to reporters, said the proposed purchase of tourists travel accident insurance. "Considering the security, even if visitors do not buy accident insurance, we will give them their own money to buy."For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Mountain Yellow Scenic Area Ease Traffic Problems

Recently, the Huangshan Scenic Area parking lots and built intelligence into use, so long plagued the Huangshan tourism traffic parking difficult problem to be solved.

The parking lots located in Huangshan Nan door, parking, take the cars are very convenient. Not only inside the elevator up and down the shuttle 12, and each layer has a large channel, two parking entrance from the main parking lot can also be exported directly into the parking lot from the high floor. Parking is also uniquely designed Huizhou-style garden patio, which greatly enhance the venue's lighting, ventilation, fire protection, afforestation and beautification. Parking lot attached to Si by apartments, shopping malls and tourist souvenirs car beauty service center, broke through the parking lot of a single common feature.

According to the chief architect Xu Chuanheng parking lot, currently the Ministry of Construction's efforts to promote the "construction of 10 new technology", the Huangshan parking lots on the use of six. Still in the design of local conditions, making this the largest ultra-storey parking lots conform to the hillside east of the ladder and on the shape, as if set in the green woods, become natural.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


China Customize Tour Packages in Longyan

Shanghang Furuta, his research group visited the site of the Gutian Conference, carefully inspected the area surrounding the condition of the facilities, meeting site for Furuta group protection and management of scenic affirmed. Subsequently, the music venue next to jade your Wulong travel to China, Village, to see the village "Farm Fun" Management Center, Chang Tang village girl into the family understand the "Farm Fun" operation, visited the village of "Farm House." Yu Tian Zhenli your music with the ancient red tourism attractions advantage to accelerate the development of red tourism products, tourism site of the implementation Furuta family protection project, the development of joy, increase their employment income of the achievements that full recognition. In Yongding, his research group visited the World Heritage Yongding Hakka Earth Building - vibration into buildings, inspected the newly constructed visitor center Yongding Hakka Earth Buildings, duck the ecological parking Hongkeng Earthen Folk Culture Village and other attractions area.

"Opinions" on December 1, 2009 issued since the implementation of Longyan attached great importance to implement, give prominence to integration of resources, project-driven, brand promotion, market expansion, service optimization and other key work, so that tourism infrastructure China travel packages has been constantly improved industrial scale growing, rising tourism brand, expanding tourism market. 2010, 9.8697 million tourists visits the city, which was an increase of 23.8%, an increase of the province ranked first, tourism revenues 7.027 billion yuan, which was an increase of 26.9 percent, an increase ranked second in the province. Tourism has gradually become the city's new economic growth point and industries, in stimulating domestic demand, expanding consumption, placement of labor force, building a harmonious society has played an important role.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Special China Tour: Taizhou Flower Tour

Yesterday, the 10-day Third China kicked off the river cross-section of cauliflower, nearly ten thousand visitors gathered in the city cross the river, view of acres of cauliflower, in relation to breeding base, farm products snacks, buy eco-agricultural products. River China travel service Cross Village has been focusing on the harmonious development between man and nature. In 1990, the village was awarded the United Nations Programme Environment "Global 500." In 2006, the province has been identified as the only provincial Ministry of Agriculture and build a new socialist countryside construction demonstration.

In recent years, people around the cross-river ecological theme, greatly improving the ecological environment, the development of the tourism industry, has developed five categories of agricultural products, including 11 varieties of green food allowed to use the  China vacation national trademark logo, a new casual puzzle farmers house, opened more than a dozen Nongjiale Restaurant. Opening ceremony, Mayor Wang Renzheng Jiangyan said, relying on a good cross-river ecological environment, to develop eco-tourism industry, thus breaking a new rural construction characteristics of the road, the new rural construction in Jiangyan has a role model.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences

Special China Tour to Hefei

According to the National Tourism Administration "on the strengthening of supervision and management practices views the work of the tourism market order" and arrangement of Anhui Province Tourism Bureau, April 1 to May 31, the city launched a travel agency "zero or negative China travel service fare" centralized management work, and set up right by the Vice-Mayor Yang headed by a leading group of concentration and control. Meanwhile, the city Tourism and Transport, Trade and Industry, prices and other relevant departments of the city's travel agencies had a "dragnet" Check. Which measures the strength of most travel correspondent is assigned to do "undercover" to travel in the form of entry into the "negative zero fare" tours accompanying rituals. Hefei Tourism Bureau mulberry soldiers, said the move to zero or negative fare learn more about the travel mode of operation, looking for the governance program.

And "Hefei Evening News" correspondent of the unannounced visits, should be a record one-time investment in the Chinese city media tour of the layout. June 1, once  China vacation the newspaper published out unannounced visits to six pages article, the reporter to Record form, from travel agents to find the alignment Registration Starts to 6 days 5 nights "Macau Tour" end of the trip, heads of state, nearly 2 million words, detailed depicts the "zero negative fare" of numerous organs and difficult journey, read and feel thrilling. For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Special China Tour to Anhui

July 15, Anhui Provincial Tourism Bureau announced a key part of the province's tourism market special work program, July 27 to October 31, Anhui China travel service Province will carry out key aspects of the tourism market rectification, anchored on the tourism market focused on investigating contracting, zero or negative fare, shopping and other illegal forced tourism enterprises and employees, so that tourism be effectively curbed illegal behavior.

According to special work program, Anhui Province will carry out special inspections of travel advertising, travel contract special inspection, special inspection of business records travel, travel agents Salesroom special inspection, special inspection tour, focused on investigating the cost price lower than the normal price, fraudulent propaganda, super range, to unauthorized foreign destination, etc. and the use of ambiguity, climb, misleading language, marketing, advertising illegal travel, tourism or non-standard contract China vacation which intentionally concealed travel shopping, the behavior of the project at their own expense, travel outlets contracting anchored, tour guides, tour forced tourists shopping, forcing tourists Youlan attractions at their own expense, own expense to participate the project, without changes to itineraries or travel service standards to reduce illegal behavior.

It is understood, July 27 to October 31 during the period of rectification, with the summer tourism market and "11" Golden Week, Anhui Province, will increase the travel agents, tour guides and key tourism market order rectification and the concentration of spot checks on the existence of illegal conduct of investigation, punishment and exposure.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Special China Tour: Xiamen Flight to Taiwan

The end of June, Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen residents of the free exercise of the official launch of Taiwan, the Taiwan people for the unprecedented enthusiasm for travel, this Xiamen Airlines will introduce the "island tour plans", effective immediately, Xiamen, round-trip China travel service ticket with Taiwan Taiwan a range of the island, three tickets only 1480 yuan, Taiwan, Xiamen residents to provide the most favorable free exercise of the most convenient mode of transport.
Just ahead of passenger travel arrangements, you can enjoy Xiamen, Taiwan, for flights between the two places, as well as any leg Taiwan shuttle the benefits and convenience. The discount tickets are divided into A, B two packages, A package including Xiamen - Matsuyama (or Taoyuan / Kaohsiung / Taichung) - Xiamen air tickets, as well as a section of the island transport leg flights, a total of 1480 yuan; B Package including Xiamen - Matsuyama (or Taoyuan / Kaohsiung / Taichung) - Xiamen air tickets and 2 tickets section of the island transport sectors, a total of 1980 yuan.
Transport sectors Fugai Taiwan island to ensure that passengers can quickly reach the destination, including: Matsuyama - Kaohsiung / Golden Gate / Horse public / Taitung / Matsu / Nangan / Hengchun / Pingtung / Hualien, Taoyuan - Kaohsiung, Taichung - Golden Gate / Makung / Nangan, Kaohsiung - Hualien / Makung / Kinmen Tainan - Makung / Golden Gate, Chiayi - Makung / Golden Gate. In addition to China vacation package contains the transport sectors, the demand if there is still opportunity for each leg of the ticket prices are $ 450. (The above ticket prices exclude taxes and fees)
Especially need to remind people that participate in the "island tour plans" must be more than 2 or 2 purchase, and ensure that all travel the same.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Special China Tours: Ningbo Regulates Tourism

According to the Zhejiang Tourism Bureau official, the "Eleventh Five-Year" average annual growth of the province's total tourism income of 19.16%, the overall strength of the tourism economy has risen to third in the country, the province's tourism project total investment of China travel service, about 290 billion yuan, is "15" during the nearly four-fold.
Insiders pointed out that, behind the rapid development of tourism, Zhejiang Province, has demonstrated a few counties still in the spontaneous state tourism economy, tourism growth in consumer demand and lagging behind the development of tourism and other conflicts, is not strong tourism enterprises, tourism, international level not high.
Zhejiang Provincial Government in the proposed plan, "five-second" period, to achieve tourism growth "significantly higher than two," that is significantly higher than the provincial average annual GDP growth rate was significantly higher than the national average annual tourism growth of tourism in the national economy gradually increased the proportion of the main indicators. By 2015, the province's total tourism income of more than 600 billion yuan; tourism value added value added services accounted for 13% of the  China vacation proportion of tourism on the local financial contribution rate of 5.5%.
The responsible person said, Zhejiang Province, in the "five" period will focus on building a more developed tourism economic zone, construction in Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Jiaxing and Huzhou tourism as the main economic zone north of Zhejiang, Hangzhou, give full play to the leading role to the ancient Yue culture, Jiangnan style and culture to support the canal town, accelerate the upgrade of Shaoxing, Wuzhen, Nanxun and a number of city blocks of town travel and leisure, to accelerate the development of Thousand Island Lake, Taihu Lake, South Lake and a number of hills and red leisure travel block, accelerate the construction of Changxing, Anji, Deqing and a number of rural tourism and leisure block, so that tourism continues to be the province and the Yangtze River Delta economic development of the core power area. For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Special China Tour: Huanggang Red Tour

Yesterday, Macheng in the town of carbon Guanyi Industrial Park welcomed a group of special visitors - Huanggang Dabieshan mission pilot area. Economic and social development in the red Dabie Mountains in the pilot area, undertake industrial park Macheng carbon double mission: to China travel service transform the mode of test area and the new industrial exhibition area.
     Red for the soul, the spirit leaps and bounds to build location; green as a fulcrum to promote scientific development and harmonious development. Learning General Secretary Hu Jintao, "July" important speech, Huanggang further clarify the development of ideas, strengthen the development goals.
     Huanggang is a red land, countless heroes and heroines of their own Huanggang sincere cast of "one mind, followed by the party, numerous endless, selfless dedication," the spirit of the old liberated areas. Pilot area to promote the construction of the Dabie Mountains, Huanggang for the old spirit to new content. Specifically, is to emancipate the mind as the guide, with an open vision, innovative ways to explore the new system, the new mechanism, with hard work, hard work hard work to gather the essence of cadres, gas, god, old liberated areas to achieve scientific development and harmonious development , leaps and bounds.
     Construction red Dabie rich, red resources into economic development. Huanggang starting point planned Dabie red tourism sector in the construction of Li Xiannian, wu and other former residences of celebrities, old home, Memorial Hall, jute uprising and Soviet revolutionary martyrs China vacation cemetery Henan, Anhui and other core group of red tourism attractions. At the same time, actively explore the development of red tourism across the region, open up the new county of Henan, Anhui and other places Jinzhai and Yuexi red travel channel, developed together Sichuan Guangyuan "Guangyuan - Dabie Mountains" red tourism routes.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Special China Tour: Zhoushan Marine Tour

Marine tourism is in a certain socio-economic conditions, the sea-based, sea, sun, sand as the main content to meet the spiritual and material needs for the China travel service purposes of marine tours, entertainment and holiday activities generated phenomena and relationships. It is with the "land tourism" corresponds to a regional tourism concept. From the geographical division of the marine tourism can be divided into coastal tourism, island tourism, sea tourism and sea travel; to the distance from the terrestrial standard, can be divided into marine tourism, marine tourism and coastal ocean travel.
    With the further socio-economic development, tourism and growing demand for diversification of tourism products growing demand, while China's tourism industry has long been the carrier of the mainland tourism, marine tourism will be better able to expand tourism to better meet the needs China vacation of increasingly diverse tourism; advancement of technology and convenience in transportation to create favorable conditions for marine tourism; rich marine resources, tourism was the world's oceans provide a reliable material basis. From a global point of view, marine tourism booming, the infinite beauty. Therefore, not only is the 21st century the era of marine economy, it is the era of marine tourism.
     At present, the status of marine tourism, mainly for the more prosperous coastal tourism, island tourism rare, scattered at sea tourism, sea tourism blank.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Special China Tour to Xinxiang

Organized by the Henan Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department's "Love in Hong (Ho) River perception Henan - Hong Kong and Macao Central Plains China travel service culture" activities will soon go to Hong Kong, Henan Tourism Bureau of the Henan tourism promotion group will also participate in this event. In this regard, Xinxiang municipal government organized the project investment, tourism promotion marketing group focused on large, 22 January afternoon in Hong Kong held its first special promotion Xinxiang tourism to Hong Kong and Macao people show Xinxiang Taihang mountains of South tall, magnificent natural beauty and historic Makino culture.

To ensure the launch of the Hong Kong tourism promotion highlights, exhibition style, Xinxiang Municipal Bureau of Tourism careful organization and deployment. On the one hand, produced a well-planned "landscape Taihang, attractions Xinxiang" commercials, produced a new China vacation brochure in Chinese and English; the other hand, several times to contact the Hong Kong China Tourism Association, the Hong Kong through the strength of the association, high degree of credibility of the traveling salesman invitation, while the participants of the organization, division of labor and the agenda have been carefully arranged. By then, Xinxiang tourism will be a unique style appearance Hong Kong and Macao.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Special China Tour: Fuzhou Builds Shopping Center

Contact practical implementation of the Drum Tower District General Secretary Hu Jintao to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party Congress on an important speech, efforts to build livable and attractive industry Drum Tower. Drum
China travel service Tower District secretary, said Lin Fei, to take practical action to increase the study and implementation efforts. Implementation of specific projects, the Drum Tower Street area will accelerate the transformation to promote the transformation of slums and urban infrastructure.
The future of South Street will become a shopping paradise
7 pm, the reporter in the South to go back and forth. Guanya Plaza to ING from the floor along the west side of the road has been transformed South Street, the road widened 56 meters, almost a new road. Sidewalk renovation, covered with earth bricks. Although the transformation is still going on along, not to remove certain obstacles, but people can feel the past, this period of reconstruction after the South Street widened, and flattened the.
Metro Line 1 Nanmentou China vacation station building and the conservation and restoration of lanes in the South around. According to relevant arrangements, South Street (Dongjiekou to Nanmentou above) will be combined with the progress of these two construction projects, and to transform. Among them, the East one hundred to the west side of Chaichu Kat Bailey Lane reconstruction of part of the project has begun. Transformation is complete, the future will bring in large business enterprises Street and international brands, the top luxury stores. Street Drum Tower District intends to finance the completion of travel, shopping, leisure, entertainment, food as one of the West of tourism and leisure center and fashion shopping.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Customize China Tour: Kaifeng Longting Lake Scenic Area

"Dragon Pavilion Lake of the night now so beautiful, clear water like a lake wearing a diamond necklace, with a camera shooting down, suddenly it seems, custom China tour will make people not recognize was the capital of the scenery!" The evening of December 20, rent truck driver Wang Deping excited and slightly exaggerated master told reporters that this is the recent Dragon Pavilion Lake Scenic Area lighting renovation project results.
     Yesterday evening, the reporter attracted to. Line west of the square towards the door to the afternoon, the reporter was immediately in front of the beauty of shock: the blue above, the "Rainbow" charming shining glory, when the show first sight noble and mysterious purple, warm and generous and it becomes an instant yellow , then red, green and other colors constantly changing, and the towering Longting glorified hall, reminding us of scenes in Wonderland.
     Kaifeng Municipal Urban Management Bureau, according to the person in charge, Dragon Pavilion Lake Scenic Area lighting renovation project began on December 16, China custom tours Symphony of the installed high-power LED lights, it was a bowl-shaped, high efficiency, energy saving, waterproof, shatterproof, total length of 2,300 meters, a total of more than 1,200 lights. In accordance with pre-set program, which more than 1,200 lights Symphony light colors, can simultaneously transform to form a strong visual effect.
     This project by the Kaifeng Municipal Urban Management Bureau is responsible for street construction, construction worker is very difficult to install, they tied the rope around his waist, climbed on the lake slope operation. Cold wind came, set off the spray hit him, they are unaware, just concentrate construction. Currently, more than 1,200 lights Symphony of Lights Basic installed.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Special China Tour: Fuyang Builds Cultural Constructions

Not long ago, CCTV, "the charm of China" column set to Fuxin, basketball, obo, Mongolian and Mongolian medicine, agate Fuxin culture of these unique brands to China travel service, the country. After the broadcast, come Fuxin buy agate, to obo travel, to learn basketball school to Fumeng Xunyiwenyao who drastically increased, Fuxin cultural brand into immediate productivity. Advanced culture is productivity, and further confirmed.

Fuxin has a unique cultural resources and background, has a brilliant cultural achievements. Original New Peking Opera "blood agate" get Liaoning Province in 2004, following the sixth festival repertoire Gold, 2005, on behalf of Liaoning Province, to mark the sixtieth anniversary of victory over fascism Jin Jing performances later, in 2007, won the national spirit civilization, "five" China vacation, Engineering Award; 2009 on behalf of Liaoning Province, participated in the 60th anniversary of founding of new China national tour. Original Peking Opera "East Tibet torch" won the Gold Award of Liaoning Province and the Seventh Seventh China Arts Festival Arts Festival Outstanding Performance Award Pingju; music and dance poem "long Dragon Love" in the eighth, Liaoning Province Song and Dance Festival, won best class performance Award (Gold). In addition, the transformation theme drama "and a blue sky," won the province, "the five" Award; Peking Opera "piece of red sea buckthorn flowers" at the Fourth China Peking Opera Festival productions received awards; drama "warm spring" won the Liaoning Province fifth Festival Silver Award; drama "Old Police" by Ministry of Public Security of the Ninth "Golden Shield cultural project" second Class Award for drama.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Special China Tours of Fujian Tour Souvenirs

June mall, million of merchants. The four-day 2011 China International Tourism Commodity Fair Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, recently came to an end. Fujian, Fujian Provincial Tourism Bureau actively with the role of travel products R & D Center, Xiamen, led to mobilize the enthusiasm of China travel service enterprises and travel products, travel goods were organized 30 exhibitors, exhibitors covering 36 categories of goods, signed a contract the intention of acting as a distributor 20 , the actual site turnover of $ 50,000.

The fair has set up a successful tourism product exhibition and trade of a large platform, exhibitors, including travel and equipment, hotel supplies, outdoor recreation server, souvenirs and other four, a total of more than 2,200 international standard booths, a total of more than 1,500 from abroad China vacation  exhibiting companies. During the fair, there are more than 90,000 professional buyers at home and abroad participants, including more than 8,000 foreign visitors, more than 60 trade groups.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Special China Tours: Tianjin Ocean Legend

Reporter yesterday from the Tianjin Municipal Tourism Group held a press conference that, Tianjin Tourism Group, Tianjin International Travel and Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines signed a scene, "Legend of the Seas" cruise charter tourism cooperation agreement on August 27 China travel service will be powered by North China 1,500 visitors from the Tianjin International cruise home port set sail for a period of nine days of sea travel. This is the first city-wide routes contracted cruise tourism, ending a contract outside the cruise dock of Tianjin Port's history.

It is understood from the Tianjin International cruise home port put into use, the rapid development of cruise tourism in Tianjin, the first half of this year alone, Tianjin travel to Tianjin tourism received international luxury cruise 14. However, it has been docked cruise home port of Tianjin, cruise lines are foreign tourism firms. The Tianjin CITS contract is the "Legend of the Seas" cruise China vacation last year's voyage, is the first contracting company in Tianjin tourism tourist cruise the whole route. The cruise will be Aug. 27 from its home port from the Tianjin International cruise set sail, landing on his way in Fukuoka, Japan, hot springs are Beppu, Kagoshima, Pusan, Korea and other famous tourist city, the half-day and day of sightseeing. It is reported that the cruise theme restaurants, bars, Broadway dance halls, cafes, children's entertainment, indoor and outdoor swimming pools and other recreation facilities, to meet the needs of tourists of all ages.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences


Special China Tour: China Red Tour Opening Ceremony

Communist Party of China 90th anniversary approaching, the country set off a wave of red tourism boom wave of race, red tourism hot, red sing the song loud and clear. Evening of 1 July, by the Jiangxi Provincial People's Government, China National Tourism Administration jointly organized China travel service by the National Coordination Group of red tourism office, the CPC Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Jiangxi Provincial Tourism Bureau and other co-host of the 2011 Red China National Tourism Expo Opening Ceremony red Tourism celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of large-scale Chinese Communist Party concert scene, held a grand square in Nanchang Autumn. 16 Red tourist city gathered together, celebrate Red China Tourism Expo Festival

It is reported that Jiangxi has been successfully held six red Fair. Compared with the previous "China (Jiangxi) Red Tourism Fair" The difference is, this year's expo red rose China vacation at the national level tourism event. Tonight, the National Tourism Administration, the National Red Office will organize, including Beijing, Shanghai and Yan'an Tourism country's 14 provinces and cities, 16 key tourist cities gathered in Jiangxi red. For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences