
China Customize Tour Packages in Longyan

Shanghang Furuta, his research group visited the site of the Gutian Conference, carefully inspected the area surrounding the condition of the facilities, meeting site for Furuta group protection and management of scenic affirmed. Subsequently, the music venue next to jade your Wulong travel to China, Village, to see the village "Farm Fun" Management Center, Chang Tang village girl into the family understand the "Farm Fun" operation, visited the village of "Farm House." Yu Tian Zhenli your music with the ancient red tourism attractions advantage to accelerate the development of red tourism products, tourism site of the implementation Furuta family protection project, the development of joy, increase their employment income of the achievements that full recognition. In Yongding, his research group visited the World Heritage Yongding Hakka Earth Building - vibration into buildings, inspected the newly constructed visitor center Yongding Hakka Earth Buildings, duck the ecological parking Hongkeng Earthen Folk Culture Village and other attractions area.

"Opinions" on December 1, 2009 issued since the implementation of Longyan attached great importance to implement, give prominence to integration of resources, project-driven, brand promotion, market expansion, service optimization and other key work, so that tourism infrastructure China travel packages has been constantly improved industrial scale growing, rising tourism brand, expanding tourism market. 2010, 9.8697 million tourists visits the city, which was an increase of 23.8%, an increase of the province ranked first, tourism revenues 7.027 billion yuan, which was an increase of 26.9 percent, an increase ranked second in the province. Tourism has gradually become the city's new economic growth point and industries, in stimulating domestic demand, expanding consumption, placement of labor force, building a harmonious society has played an important role.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences

