
Customize China Tour: Kaifeng Longting Lake Scenic Area

"Dragon Pavilion Lake of the night now so beautiful, clear water like a lake wearing a diamond necklace, with a camera shooting down, suddenly it seems, custom China tour will make people not recognize was the capital of the scenery!" The evening of December 20, rent truck driver Wang Deping excited and slightly exaggerated master told reporters that this is the recent Dragon Pavilion Lake Scenic Area lighting renovation project results.
     Yesterday evening, the reporter attracted to. Line west of the square towards the door to the afternoon, the reporter was immediately in front of the beauty of shock: the blue above, the "Rainbow" charming shining glory, when the show first sight noble and mysterious purple, warm and generous and it becomes an instant yellow , then red, green and other colors constantly changing, and the towering Longting glorified hall, reminding us of scenes in Wonderland.
     Kaifeng Municipal Urban Management Bureau, according to the person in charge, Dragon Pavilion Lake Scenic Area lighting renovation project began on December 16, China custom tours Symphony of the installed high-power LED lights, it was a bowl-shaped, high efficiency, energy saving, waterproof, shatterproof, total length of 2,300 meters, a total of more than 1,200 lights. In accordance with pre-set program, which more than 1,200 lights Symphony light colors, can simultaneously transform to form a strong visual effect.
     This project by the Kaifeng Municipal Urban Management Bureau is responsible for street construction, construction worker is very difficult to install, they tied the rope around his waist, climbed on the lake slope operation. Cold wind came, set off the spray hit him, they are unaware, just concentrate construction. Currently, more than 1,200 lights Symphony of Lights Basic installed.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences

