
Special China Tour to Xinxiang

Organized by the Henan Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department's "Love in Hong (Ho) River perception Henan - Hong Kong and Macao Central Plains China travel service culture" activities will soon go to Hong Kong, Henan Tourism Bureau of the Henan tourism promotion group will also participate in this event. In this regard, Xinxiang municipal government organized the project investment, tourism promotion marketing group focused on large, 22 January afternoon in Hong Kong held its first special promotion Xinxiang tourism to Hong Kong and Macao people show Xinxiang Taihang mountains of South tall, magnificent natural beauty and historic Makino culture.

To ensure the launch of the Hong Kong tourism promotion highlights, exhibition style, Xinxiang Municipal Bureau of Tourism careful organization and deployment. On the one hand, produced a well-planned "landscape Taihang, attractions Xinxiang" commercials, produced a new China vacation brochure in Chinese and English; the other hand, several times to contact the Hong Kong China Tourism Association, the Hong Kong through the strength of the association, high degree of credibility of the traveling salesman invitation, while the participants of the organization, division of labor and the agenda have been carefully arranged. By then, Xinxiang tourism will be a unique style appearance Hong Kong and Macao.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences

