
Special China Tour to Anhui

July 15, Anhui Provincial Tourism Bureau announced a key part of the province's tourism market special work program, July 27 to October 31, Anhui China travel service Province will carry out key aspects of the tourism market rectification, anchored on the tourism market focused on investigating contracting, zero or negative fare, shopping and other illegal forced tourism enterprises and employees, so that tourism be effectively curbed illegal behavior.

According to special work program, Anhui Province will carry out special inspections of travel advertising, travel contract special inspection, special inspection of business records travel, travel agents Salesroom special inspection, special inspection tour, focused on investigating the cost price lower than the normal price, fraudulent propaganda, super range, to unauthorized foreign destination, etc. and the use of ambiguity, climb, misleading language, marketing, advertising illegal travel, tourism or non-standard contract China vacation which intentionally concealed travel shopping, the behavior of the project at their own expense, travel outlets contracting anchored, tour guides, tour forced tourists shopping, forcing tourists Youlan attractions at their own expense, own expense to participate the project, without changes to itineraries or travel service standards to reduce illegal behavior.

It is understood, July 27 to October 31 during the period of rectification, with the summer tourism market and "11" Golden Week, Anhui Province, will increase the travel agents, tour guides and key tourism market order rectification and the concentration of spot checks on the existence of illegal conduct of investigation, punishment and exposure.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences

