
Special China Tour to Hefei

According to the National Tourism Administration "on the strengthening of supervision and management practices views the work of the tourism market order" and arrangement of Anhui Province Tourism Bureau, April 1 to May 31, the city launched a travel agency "zero or negative China travel service fare" centralized management work, and set up right by the Vice-Mayor Yang headed by a leading group of concentration and control. Meanwhile, the city Tourism and Transport, Trade and Industry, prices and other relevant departments of the city's travel agencies had a "dragnet" Check. Which measures the strength of most travel correspondent is assigned to do "undercover" to travel in the form of entry into the "negative zero fare" tours accompanying rituals. Hefei Tourism Bureau mulberry soldiers, said the move to zero or negative fare learn more about the travel mode of operation, looking for the governance program.

And "Hefei Evening News" correspondent of the unannounced visits, should be a record one-time investment in the Chinese city media tour of the layout. June 1, once  China vacation the newspaper published out unannounced visits to six pages article, the reporter to Record form, from travel agents to find the alignment Registration Starts to 6 days 5 nights "Macau Tour" end of the trip, heads of state, nearly 2 million words, detailed depicts the "zero negative fare" of numerous organs and difficult journey, read and feel thrilling. For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences

