
Special China Tour: Huanggang Red Tour

Yesterday, Macheng in the town of carbon Guanyi Industrial Park welcomed a group of special visitors - Huanggang Dabieshan mission pilot area. Economic and social development in the red Dabie Mountains in the pilot area, undertake industrial park Macheng carbon double mission: to China travel service transform the mode of test area and the new industrial exhibition area.
     Red for the soul, the spirit leaps and bounds to build location; green as a fulcrum to promote scientific development and harmonious development. Learning General Secretary Hu Jintao, "July" important speech, Huanggang further clarify the development of ideas, strengthen the development goals.
     Huanggang is a red land, countless heroes and heroines of their own Huanggang sincere cast of "one mind, followed by the party, numerous endless, selfless dedication," the spirit of the old liberated areas. Pilot area to promote the construction of the Dabie Mountains, Huanggang for the old spirit to new content. Specifically, is to emancipate the mind as the guide, with an open vision, innovative ways to explore the new system, the new mechanism, with hard work, hard work hard work to gather the essence of cadres, gas, god, old liberated areas to achieve scientific development and harmonious development , leaps and bounds.
     Construction red Dabie rich, red resources into economic development. Huanggang starting point planned Dabie red tourism sector in the construction of Li Xiannian, wu and other former residences of celebrities, old home, Memorial Hall, jute uprising and Soviet revolutionary martyrs China vacation cemetery Henan, Anhui and other core group of red tourism attractions. At the same time, actively explore the development of red tourism across the region, open up the new county of Henan, Anhui and other places Jinzhai and Yuexi red travel channel, developed together Sichuan Guangyuan "Guangyuan - Dabie Mountains" red tourism routes.For more information, please shift to China Travel Experiences

